Bank Them

What makes cord lining stem cells stand out? For one, the ease of obtaining not one but two very important and valuable stem cell type, in an ethical and non-invasive matter. Moreover, up till now, stem cells have been faced with the limitations of quantity, a critical factor in the consideration of clinical therapies. The cord lining can be processed to produce a large number of stem cells.

You are perhaps already considering banking cord blood, why not go that extra mile for your child and close relatives. Cord blood may one day be used to save your family from blood related disorders, how about other non-blood related disorders. Yes, the science to curing some of the disorders with stem cells has not been fully available here and now. But consider the scientific applications from the regenerative potential of stem cells. Next, with the advancement of medical technology, time from research to therapy is getting shorter; a huge possibility that translates to potential cures for diseases common to us today.

Your family and your child are your future.