Relevant Publications

Published Papers

1. Le TT, Tran XV, Phan TT. The use of frog skin in treatment of burn wounds. Vietnam National Institute of Burns “Le Huu Trac” Proceedings of the European Association of Tissue Banks, Vienna, 1994.

2. Phan TT, MA Hughes, GW Cherry, TT Le, HM Pham. An aqueous extract from the leaves of Chromolaena odorata (Formerly Eupatorium odoratum) (Eupolin) inhibits collagen lattice contraction by human dermal fibroblasts. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 1996; 2: 335 – 343.

3. Phan TT, MA Hughes, GW Cherry. Enhanced proliferation of fibroblasts and endothelial cells treated with an aqueous extract from the leaves of Chromoleana odorata (Eupolin), a herbal remedy for treating wounds. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 1998; 101: 756-765.

4. D Hu, Phan TT, GW Cherry, TJ Ryan. Dermal edema assessed by high frequency ultrasound in venous leg ulcers. British Journal of Dermatology 1998; 138: 815-820.

5. YJ Su, B Chen, Phan TT, MA Hughes, GW Cherry. Effect of Burn-Healing-Liquid on keratinocyte and fibroblast proliferation and collagen lattice contraction. The Chinese Medical Journal 1999; 112 (8): 720-724.

6. Phan TT, ST Lee, Chan SY, Hughes MA, Cherry G. Investigating plant-based medicine for wound healing with the use of cell culture technology and in vitro models: A review. Annals of Academy of Medicine, Singapore 2000; 29:27-36.

7. Phan TT, J Allen, MA Hughes, GW Cherry, F Wojnarowska. Upregulation of the epidermal, basement membrane and extracellular matrix proteins by human keratinocytes treated with an aqueous extract from the leaves of Chromolaena odorata (Eupolin). European Journal of Dermatology 2000; 10(7): 522-527.

8. A Tay, Phan TT, P See, C Song, ST Lee. Cultured sub-confluent keratinocytes on wound dressing polymers for the treatment of burns and wounds. Wounds: A Compendium of Clinical Research and Practice 2000; 12 (5): 127-133.

9. Phan TT, P See, ST Lee, Chan SY. Antioxidant effects of the extracts from the leaves of Chromolaena odorata on human dermal fibroblasts and epidermal keratinocytes against hydrogen peroxide and hypoxanthine-xanthine oxidase induced damage. Burns 2001; 27(4): 319-327.

10. I Lim, Phan TT, C Song, W Tan, MT Longaker. Investigation of influence of keloid-derived keratinocytes on fibroblast growth and proliferation. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2001; 107(3): 797-808.

11. Phan TT, MA Hughes, GW Cherry. Effects of an aqueous extract from the leaves of Chromoleana odorata (Eupolin) on human keratinocytes proliferation and migration in an in vitro model of wound re-epithelialization. Wound Repair and Regeneration 2001; 9:305-313.

12. Phan TT, P See, ST Lee, SY Chan. Protective effect of curcumin on skin cells in vitro against oxidative damage: Its implication for wound healing. Journal of Trauma 2001;51: 927-931.

13. ZM Peled, IJ Lim, Phan TT, CM Cowan, SM Warren, PJ Bouletreau, FE Crisera, S Erfani, J Chang, MT Longaker. Enhanced transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-?1) and reduced Smad7 gene expression characterize keloid human keratinocytes: implication for keloid pathogenesis. Surgical Forum 2001; 52: 563-567.

14. Lim IJ, Phan TT, Bay BH, Peled ZM, Qi R, Huynh HT, Lee ST, Tan WTL, Longaker MT. Induction of keloid-like collagen secretory characteristics in normal fibroblasts cocultures with keloid-derived keratinocytes. Surgical Forum 2001; 52: 560-563.

15. KW Ng, JT Schantz, DW, Hutmacher, I Zein, TC Lim, HP Too, Phan TT, SH Teoh. The evaluation of ultra-thin poly(e-caprolactone) films for tissue engineered skin. Tissue Engineering 2001; 7 (4): 441-456.

16. Phan TT, P See, LZ Wang, R Grayer, ST Lee, SY Chan. Phenolic compounds of Chromoleana odorata protect cultured skin cells from oxidative damage: A new potential agent for cutaneous wound healing? Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 2001; 24(12): 1373-1379.

17. P See, Phan TT, ST Lee, C Song, KC Tan. Our clinical experience using cryopreserved cadaveric allograft for the management of severe burns. Cell and Tissue Banking 2001; 2(2): 113-117.

18. Phan TT, P See, LZ Wang, R Grayer, ST Lee, SY Chan. Purification and identification of the anti-oxidant compounds of the extract from the leaves of Chromoleana odorata. Alternative Therapies 2001; 7(3): 519-522.

19. Phan TT, I Lim, H Huynh, BH Bay, ST Lee, MT Longaker. Differences in collagen production between normal and keloid-derived fibroblasts in serum media cocultured with keloid-derived keratinocytes. Journal of Dermatological Science 2002; 29(1): 26-34.

20. I Lim, Phan TT, H Huynh, BH Bay, W Tan, ST Lee, MT Longaker. Induction of keloid-like collagen secretory characteristics in normal fibroblasts cocultured with keloid-derived keratinocytes. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 2002; 283: C212-C222.

21. Lim IJ, Phan TT, Bay BH, Qi R, Longaker MT, Lee ST, Huynh HT. Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding-Protein-3 (IGFBP-3) influences fibroblast proliferation by keloid-derived keratinocytes in-vitro. Journal of American College of Surgeons 195(3S): S49, 2002.

22. Wang Z, Trinidade M, Fong K, Peled Z, Phan TT, Lim IJ, Yang G, Smith L, Longaker MT. Growth factor production by keloid and normal fibroblasts after physical stress. Journal of American College of Surgeons 195(3S): S49, 2002.

23. HL Khor, KW Ng, JT Schantz, Phan TT, TC Lim, SH Teoh, DW Hutmacher. Poly(_-caprolactone) films as a potential substrate for tissue engineering an. Materials Science and Engineering 2002; 20 (1-2): 71-75.

24. Phan TT, L Sun, BH Bay, ST Lee, SY Chan. Dietary compounds inhibit proliferation and contraction of keloid and hypertrophic scar-derived fibroblasts in-vitro: Therapeutic implication for excessive scarring. Journal of Trauma 2003; 54(4): 1212-1224.

25. Phan TT, P See, TNT Nguyen, ST Lee, SY Chan, H Huynh. Suppression of IGF-1 signaling pathway in keloid-derived fibroblasts by quercetin: Its therapeutic potential use in the treatment and/or prevention of keloids. British Journal of Dermatology 2003; 148(3): 544-552.

26. Phan TT, I Lim, BH Bay, ST Lee, MT Longaker, H Huynh. The role of Insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) system of mitogens in the induction of fibroblast proliferation by keloid-derived keratinocytes in-vitro. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 2003; 284: C860-C869.

27. Phan TT, ST Lee, SY Chan, H Huynh. Quercetin inhibits collagen and extracellular matrix production by keloid and hypertrophic scar-derived fibroblasts. Therapeutic implication for excessive scars. Journal of Dermatological Science 2003: 33: 192-194.

28. J Allen, Phan TT, MA Hughes, GW Cherry, F Wojnarowska. The cellular origins of the linear IgA disease target antigens: an indirect immunofluorescence study using cultured human keratinocytes and fibroblasts. British Journal of Dermatology 2003; 148: 945-953.

29. Yang G, Phan TT, Lim IJ, HP Lorenz, Longaker MT. From scarless fetal wounds to keloids: molecular studies in wound healing. Wound Repair & Regeneration 2003; 11: 411-418.

30. S. Chaw, Y. Y. Yang, I. J. Lim and Phan TT. Water-soluble betamethasone-loaded poly(lactide-co-glycolide) hollow microparticles as a sustained release dosage form. Journal of Microencapslation 2003; 20: 349-359.

31. IJ Lim, Phan TT, EK Tan, TTT Nguyen, E Tran, MT Longaker, C Song, ST Lee, and HT Huynh. Synchronous activation of ERK and PI-3K pathways is required for collagen and extracellular matrix production in keloids. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2003; 278: 40851-40858.

32. Phan TT, Lim IJ, Tan EK, Lee ST. Suppression of TGF-beta/smad signaling in keloid-derived fibroblasts by quercetin: Implication for treatment of excessive scars. Journal of Trauma 2004; 57: 1032-1037.

33. Xia W, Phan TT, Lim IJ, Longaker MT, Yang GP. Complex epithelial-mesenchymal interactions modulate transforming growth factor-beta expression in keloid-derived cells. Wound Repair & Regeneration 2004; 12: 546-556.

34. Ang LPK, Tan DTH, Phan TT, Li J, Beuerman J, Lavker RM. The in-vitro and in-vivo proliferative capacity of serum-free cultivated human conjunctival epithelial cells. Current Eye Research 2004; 28 (5): 307-317.

35. Ang LP, Tan DT, Cajucom-Uy H, Phan TT, Beuerman RW, Lavker RM. Reconstruction of the ocular surface by transplantation of a serum free cultivated conjunctival tissue equivalent. Annals Academy of Medicine Singapore. 2004; 33(5 Suppl):S55-6.

36. Heng BC, Cao T, Liu H, Phan TT. Directing stem cells into the keratinocyte lineage in-vitro. Experimental Dermatology 2005; 14: 1-16.

37. Phan TT, BH Bay, J Tan, ST Lee. Evaluation of cell culture on polyurethane-based membrane – Implication for tissue engineering of skin and other surface tissues. Cell and Tissue Banking 2005; 6: 91-97.

38. Chong EJ, Lim CT, Lim IJ, Phan TT. Application of biotechnology, nanotechnology and tissue engineering in cosmetic medicine. Cosmetics Medicine (invited review paper).

39. Colwell AS, Phan TT, Kong W, Longaker MT, Lorenz HP. Hypertrophic scar fibroblasts have increased CTGF expression after TGF-beta stimulation. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery 2005 (in press).

40. Mukhkopadhyay A, Tan EK, Khoo YT, Chan SY, Lim IJ, Phan TT. Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in keloids induce contraction of fibroblast-populated collagen lattices. British Journal of Dermatology 2005; 152: 639-645.

41. Phan TT , Lim IJ, Aalami O, Loget F, Mukhkopadhyay A, Tan EK, Khoo YT, Longaker MT. Smad3 plays an important role in keloid pathogenesis via epithelial-mesenchymal interactions. Journal of Pathology (in press).

42. Do DV, Lim IJ, Phan TT. Roles of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions in keloid scar pathogenesis and carcinogenesis. A review. Current Signal Transduction Therapy (invited review paper).

43. Xia X, Kong W, Phan TT, Lim IJ, Longaker MT, Yang GP. Increased CCN2 transcription in keloid fibroblasts requires cooperativity between AP-1 and Smad binding sites. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2005 (revised and resubmitted).

44. Wang, Z, Fong, KD, Phan, TT, Lim, IJ, Longaker, MT, and GP Yang. Increased transcriptional response to mechanical strain in keloids fibroblasts due to increased focal adhesion complex formation. Journal of Cellular Physiology 2005 (revised and resubmitted).

45. Lim CP, Phan TT, Lim IJ, Cao XM. Increased Stat3 phosphorylation and expression in keloid fibroblasts contribute to collagen production, cell proliferation and migration. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2005 (under peer review).

Book Chapter

46. Phan TT, Lee ST, Chan SY, Grayer R, Hughes MA, Cherry GW. Chromoleana odorata: A potential agent for wound healing. In: Lester Packer, Barry Halliwell and Choon Nam Ong editors. Traditional and Herbal Medicine: Molecular Aspects of Health. Marcel Dekker Inc, New York 2004. Page 813-836